Meet Our Team

Learn about the professionals who make up our talented and experienced creative team 
Nicholas A. Price
Nicholas A. Price
Principal Designer and Artist
Grace Price
Grace Price
Lead Metaphysical Consultant
Zaida Lily Price
Zaida Lily Price
Energy Consultant
Nicholas A. Price
Introducing Nicholas A. Price
Principal Designer and Artist
Nicholas A. Price is an internationally acclaimed visual artist with a long track record in creating unique works of art - he exclusively creates these one-of-a-kind artworks from his studio with his own hands for our client's homes, businesses and projects. Every piece is guaranteed to be unique and comes with a certificate of authenticity.
Furniture by Nicholas A. Price
The Amethyst Wave by Nicholas A. Price
Sculptural Lights by by Nicholas A. Price
Power Figures by Nicholas A. Price

My Studio

When you’re looking for something truly unique and one of a kind, traditional, transitional or contemporary, you just might find it in my studio, Nicholas Price Studio – I have been creating one of a kind sculpture and art for thirty years – I’m happy to say that it graces homes and businesses in 30 countries - I never make replicas, series or duplicate anything. I work with my own hands, do not sub-contract or mass produce – everything is designed and created with absolute integrity by me in my US studio. Occasionally I undertake specific commissions, which I approach with an open and sensitive mindset – you’ll find some existing, available, sculpture, sculptural lighting and furniture examples on this website.

I am available once a week for personal one-on-one conversations, the other six days I am in my studio – this is my life work. Everything I create arrives from natural materials, with a strong focus on environmentally sensitive and sustainable practices, these incorporate unusual woods, metals and crystals, I don’t use harmful epoxy or chemicals and all the natural wood I use does not arrive from endangered rain forests but is sensitively sourced personally. If you are looking for something exclusive, unusual - a combined conversation and conservation piece - please contact me either directly or through the website, I look forward to working with you.

Our Story - Our Legacy

We are so excited to be collaborating on this very personal adventure in a dream I've always had to create the communion of the Metaphysical Universe with Art.

Having worked with my husband Nicholas A. Price for more than 20 years, I became fascinated with the incredible sculptures and art Nicholas created for clients  after they had seen  Nicholas' one of a kind art, sculpture and film photography in person.

Clients would often describe their acquisitions of Nicholas' work as "empowering", "multi-dimensional", "spiritual", "whimsical" , "powerful" and "other worldly" being just a few of the emotional words and responses they used.

When Nicholas started creating his one of kind “Spiritual Force’s” sculptures, most of them sold out at only one exclusive event.
I was curious about the use of crystals amplifying his energies and creations that would complement the already incredible energy that is already contained within a Nicholas Price art piece - be it jewelry, sculpture or fine art film photographs. Energy and an experience that could touch the owner of the final art work in an added profound and personal way by using the metaphysical properties that I have used in my own practice and study of the ancient arts of alchemy and crystals as well as my extensive and personal study into the subject of Psi phenomenon, power generation, spiritual connection and mental wellness.

In a unique cooperation with Nicholas, my dream has come true - to bring these beautiful one-of-a-kind artworks to lovers and collectors of such fine and unique pieces, that are sure to create the energy and focus on personal wellness, prosperity and success in all areas of the human experience.

So together, our family with specialized knowledge and gifts, have brought together through our love of art, crystals and the potent experiences of the mystical self, transmute into these beautiful one-of-a-kind artworks that we hope you will enjoy for a lifetime and perhaps share with future generations of family and art lovers.

We look forward to sharing our love with your love of art and the infinite possibilities it brings to our lives."

Thank you

With Love
Grace Price
International Media Coverage since 2000

International Media Coverage since 2000

Nicholas A. Price's work as an internationally acclaimed artist has been featured in many publications around the world.
Our archives contain many important articles and references of Price's key  undertakings and commissions.
If you require copies or reference materials to any of these articles, radio and television interviews, photographs and videos, please contact us directly on our contact page.
(View the slideshow above)

A Nicholas Price Artful Soirée

A Nicholas Price Artful Soirée® is a classy but intimate affair that became a popular event in the late 1980's to the present, began  on the European social calendar as his success as a business professional in the City of London, grew. It was a way of networking his high profile client base as well as introducing his artwork to this high-end clientele. His work uniquely addresses all ages and tastes utilizing different themes and styles that project his very personal and spiritual creative energy.

The Nicholas Price Artful Soirée® has been an American social event since 2000 and is featured in many newspapers and magazines, locally, nationally and internationally including; issues of Unique Homes Magazine,The Boston Globe, USA Today, The Las Vegas Review Journal, Luxury Lifestyle's and Luxury Las Vegas.
Grace Price

Grace Price

Curator and
Lead  Metaphysical Consultant
A talented media and marketing expert, parapsychologist, life and wellness advisor, Grace has undertaken her professional qualifications in Parapsychology and the Metaphysical Sciences. She is also a Silva Ultramind ESP graduate. Grace loves creating unique experiences for our clients and friends with art, crystals, science and love. 

Psi, Metaphysics & Art 

Nicholas' work demonstrates how art has been used to communicate a “deeper” more “invisible” meaning which gives us clues to the mystical, magical and mysterious world of psi phenomena. Psi phenomena exists in the personal and artistic life and works of Nicholas A. Price. A prolific artist, Nicholas’ sculptures embody the theme of spirit and energy in an abstract form. From his large public art commissions to his smaller sculptures - all involve the movement of energy and frequently the use of recycled or reclaimed materials.
Nicholas is extremely conscious of his relationship in creating art and being mindful of the Earth environment. As a result, he crafts abstracts of plants and flowers from hand formed metals and woods, glass and other materials that can be sustained in drought or dry environments as well as allow us as humans to connect to the truth of who we really are, as spiritual beings having a unique human experience.  
Zaida Lily Price

Zaida Lily Price

Energy Consultant
An expert with energy, crystals and all things mystical and magical -. Zaida loves to help us select the best and most powerful crystals - she adds the huge energy of her love of nature, animals and helping humanity through her own creativity, particularly in writing and painting – along with her global travels – this adds to all of our business endeavors.

Crystal Energy

According to some, crystals contain a unique energy that can interact with the body's energetic fields or vibrational energy. The idea is that crystals can redirect and re-channel energy flow with their unique energetic vibrations. Each crystal contains a unique energy frequency that is associated with healing, power generation or the spiritual abilities it embodies and provides.